The following suggested or possible grouping of Scripture passages are offered to aid beginning fellowships. The readings and limited commentary are, hopefully, obviously thematically related. And the concept behind this Sabbath’s selection is the fourth in a series of the role of women in the new covenant, considering their absence in patriarchal Israel.
Weekly Readings
For the Sabbath of June 25, 2005
The person conducting the Sabbath service should open services with two or three hymns, or psalms, followed by an opening prayer acknowledging that two or three (or more) are gathered together in Christ Jesus’ name, and inviting the Lord to be with them.
The first passage read should be 1 Corinthians, beginning with chapter 5, verse 1, and continuing to the end of chapter 7.
Commentary: The person joined to a prostitute becomes one flesh with the prostitute, while the person joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him--herein is that separation of flesh from spirit. Sexual union makes two one flesh. Sex is an attribute of the flesh, not of the Spirit. Sexual immorality, though, affects the Spirit in a manner similar to greed, idolatry, and swindling a brother in Christ; hence, Paul says that because of the temptation to immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. Thus, sexual union is not for mere procreation as some fellowships teach, but serves as a check on the temptation to sexual immorality.
Paul says a disciple should live as the person was called, married or unmarried, circumcised or uncircumcised. Although he doesn’t forbid the unmarried to marry, he advises against it because of the shortness of the time. Actually, there has been much more time than Paul anticipated. Although his advice was sound if time had been as short as he thought, his advice was his opinion--and he expresses his opinion as a matter of doctrine concerning the otherwise unanticipated situation of either husband or wife, and not the other, being drawn and called.
Either a husband and wife can be chosen by the Father for spiritual birth as one born out-of-season, or born as part of the early barley harvest as opposed to part of the main crop wheat harvest. Again spiritual circumcision is of the inner, self-aware, self-conscious new man, a son of God born into the tabernacle of the old self, or man. Thus, we again see that physical circumcision and biological gender are only of the flesh, of the tabernacle in which the person dwells. What counts is “keeping the commandments of God” (7:19), which is of the heart; for under the new covenant, the commandments go from what the hand and body do to what the mind thinks and the heart desires.
The law of sin and death
continues to dwell in the flesh (Rom
That Paul was rendering his
opinion in the matter of marrying and not marrying, and as to how much time
remained before Jesus returned, is beyond doubt. What Paul writes is of the
Holy Spirit, but to make his opinion infallible approaches blasphemy. For
Paul’s cultural bias is revealed through the amount of words he devotes to the
betrothed man as opposed to the amount he uses in addressing the betrothed
woman. Paul was of a patriarchal culture, and in turn, wrote as a Spirit-led
male in that patriarchal culture. He knew that Jesus would return shortly, but
he didn’t realize that nearly two millennia was “shortly,” was of the same spiritual
night that began at
The readers shall now read Ezekiel, chapter 16, followed by chapter 23.
Commentary: In both accounts the nations of
The Woman, Eve, was deceived by
the serpent. But the sin or lawlessness of her children was not reckoned
against them even though all of them died (read
Of all nations,
The giving of the law forms the
visible shadow of the revealing of the Son of Man, when from henceforth sin
will be reckoned against spiritual
The reader shall now read from the prophet Hosea, chapters 1 through 4.
Commentary: In both the Old and the New Testaments, the holy nation of God is His firstborn son, and His Bride--and a mostly faithless bride. The relationship of marriage becomes the defining metaphor for the relationship of the Logos with the Most High (i.e., Theos with Theon) prior to the birth and baptism of Jesus of Nazareth. The two functioned as one, as seen in the deconstruction of the Tetragrammaton YHWH, which becomes the radical /YH/ plus the radical /WH/. Each radical is Eloah, or God [/El/] plus Breath [/ah/]. Thus, together, they form the plural Elohim, usually used in a single sense. The two are one, as in man and woman becoming, when married, one flesh. Marriage is, then, the image of the divine relationship between Theos and Theon (from John 1:1-2) prior to Theos being born as the man Jesus.
The reader shall now read John, chapter 17.
Commentary: Disciples are to be one with Jesus as Jesus is one with
the Father. The relationship will be that of marriage to the Son, and as sons
to the Father. Disciples will then be one in marriage with the Son as a man and
a woman are to be one when married. And because glorified disciples are one
with the Son, they have the same relationship with the Father as the Son has
with the Father; they will be literally younger siblings to Christ Jesus, will
be younger sons of the Father (Rom
The role of a woman is the role
of the Logos, who created all that
is, then interacted with human beings, even to giving His life at
The person conducting the Sabbath service should close services with two hymns, or psalms, followed by a prayer asking God’s dismissal.
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"Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved."