The Philadelphia Church

And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. (Matt 4:19)"

Sabbatarian Anabaptists - The Annals
The Language of Redemption
Teachings of the Hewer of Wood
More on Matthew

Suggested Sabbath Readings

4th Quarter 2010
December 25, 2010 This present world is constructed on buying and selling, on merchandising even affections, with gift-giving not being as pure as wind driven snow but the creation of a soft obligation than can only be satisfied through returning to the gift-giver a gift of greater worth. Receipt of the Holy Spirit [pneuma 'Agion], a second breath of life, is not an exception; for the gift of indwelling eternal life carries with it the obligation to obey God, to keep His commandments, to give Him the love and honor that the person would have given to a human father.
December 18, 2010 As with the case against a saint desiring the fine things of this world, which many sincere but immature saints coming from the former Worldwide Church of God did, the case against assigning physical referents to endtime prophecies requires the saint to possess sufficient maturity to comprehend dual referents.
December 11, 2010 What the prophet Obadiah wrote concerning Esau/Edom pertains to the greater Christian Church in the Affliction; for Esau will kill and try to kill his brother. It is about greater Christendom’s desire to kill Sabbatarian Christians that Obadiah writes.
December 4, 2010 To add to the words of Moses isn’t to canonize the Book of Joshua or the Book of the Judges of Israel, but to teach disciples to pray through statuary to the mother of God, or to light candles, or to pray doubters out from purgatory. To subtract from the words of Moses is to teach saints not to keep the commandments, especially the Sabbath commandment. And because greater Christendom has either added-to or subtracted from the words of Moses in a host of ways, with the mingling of the sacred and profane in Christmas observance being the most egregious, Christians—with very few exceptions—will condemn themselves to the lake of fire when they are filled-with and empowered by the spirit of God. It cannot be otherwise. And the mourning garb of the two witnesses reflects their knowledge that most of two billion Christians will never enter the kingdom of heaven because their teachers added and subtracted from the words of Moses.
November 27, 2010 Sabbatarian disciples will face the question of whether to lie to protect a brother, or to speak forthrightly and betray the brother. The life they seek to save will be their own: to lie will cost them their spiritual life. To betray their brother will also cost them their spiritual life. So the tightrope they will walk will have them not lying and not betraying their brother, with the only end to this tightrope being the loss of their own physical lives. … In the Affliction, the Christian who will be saved will have to be willing to sacrifice his or her own salvation for another. Is deceit and telling lies to accomplish a greater good the right thing to do? Does the end justify the means as Marxists contend? Or is it the means that justifies the self before God?
November 20, 2010 It isn’t like any gospel Christian disciples have taken to the world—The place of final training isn’t a geographical location, but a slot in time [or better, space-time] during which disciples do not buy and sell; do not conduct commerce—and this slot in time is the seven endtime years that incorporates the Affliction and the Endurance. The training is about developing a functioning society that doesn’t rely upon commerce.
November 13, 2010 Until the Second Passover liberation of Israel, the Body of Christ cannot breathe on its own, but has indwelling eternal life through the indwelling of Christ Jesus, who remains as tightly linked to disciples as the inner self is to the outer self. This also means that because the person must remain tightly linked to Christ Jesus, any separation from Christ will cause the person to die spiritually. And after having sampled/tasted the goodness of God, the person who dies spiritually through separation from Christ Jesus cannot be restored to Christ but is doomed to death in the lake of fire.
November 6, 2010 It was the suspension of disbelief that allowed Joseph to interpret the seven fat cows and seven plump ears of grain as seven years of plenty. The cows were not cows, and the ears of grain were not ears of grain. And the doubling of Pharaoh’s dream means that the thing is fixed by God, and God will shortly bring it about.
Atonement 2010 Atonement is the day [Yom] of coverings [Kipporim — note the plural "im," which is proper]. Two coverings are needed, the first for sin in this world committed by the flesh—this sin is "covered" by the goat sacrificed on the altar. The second covering is needed for sin in that portion of the heavenly realm within the void created when lawlessness was found in an anointed cherub. This second covering is represented by the Azazel goat, the scapegoat, led into the wilderness by the hand of a fit man, and this second covering is Grace, the righteousness of Christ Jesus that disciples put on daily as a garment.
October 16, 2010 For the Lord to take on the present debt-load of visible Christendom, loss will necessarily occur as it occurred for the king when he forgave his servant the ten thousand talent debt, with this loss being manifested in the smaller potential size of the Bride of Christ. This is a personal loss, as will be our forgiving of sin. Yet, without our sins being forgiven we would not be able to forgive others; so we would be like the unforgiving servant if we are not willing to suffer loss by taking upon ourselves another person’s debt-load incurred by his or her unbelief.
Feast of Trumpets 2010 The blowing of trumpets [the Feast of Trumpets] heralds the coming year, but doesn’t herald the coming year for the dead [those human beings not yet born of spirit] but for the living. The coming of the year was of no importance to the first Adam. It is, however, of importance to those who have descended from the second Adam; hence, it is for them a holy convocation - but the Sabbaths of God, from the weekly Sabbath to the High Sabbaths focus on one event, the liberation of Israel.
October 9, 2010 If the two witnesses were known before when the glorified Jesus grants them authority to prophesy, to call forth plagues of every sort, the world would seek to discredit them to such an extent that they would never be believed.
October 2, 2010 The doubling of the new moons by ancient Israel and the doubling of the High Days by rabbinical Judaism comes from both “sensing” the doubling represents the fall High Sabbaths forming the spiritual mirror image of the spring High Sabbaths.

3rd Quarter 2010
September 25 2010 The cares of this life have taken the breath of God away from many disciples brought to Christ by Herbert W. Armstrong, who for a season, succumbed himself to these cares. They almost claimed him as one of the scalps. They are still out there, killing the saints.
September 18 2010 Why is it so difficult for Sabbatarian Christians to believe God? Either the Lord meant what He said when he told Adam that in the day when he would eat forbidden fruit he would surely die, or He didn’t. If the word of the Lord is to be taken literally, Adam died when he ate; Adam died when he realized that he was naked. But Adam didn’t physically die, and wouldn’t physically die for centuries. Hence, either the inner self of Adam died as the Lord God said would happen, with this inner self representing the man Adam, or “death” is not death, the absence of life, but separation from God as Evangelical Christendom teaches. Either way, Scripture cannot be read literally.
September 11 2010 But they would not then believe the Lord for they will not now believe the Father or the Son or Moses or the first disciples or even Paul. They believe the lies of the Adversary who is bent on destroying sons of God whenever and wherever he can—and the Adversary has near total ownership of all Christians today as evidenced by their willing lawlessness.
September 4, 2010 Today, a Sabbatarian Christian who was baptized thirty, forty years ago and who tenaciously clings to those things that the Sabbatarian learned thirty or forty years ago has made no second journey of faith and would be as Abraham was when told that he must sacrifice Isaac … will the Sabbatarian believe that a Second Passover liberation of Israel will occur, and will soon occur?
August 28, 2010 A Third Great Awakening is indeed happening, but Christians don’t return to God by continuing to transgress the commandments. And that—open transgression of the commandments—is what Christians everywhere are now doing, and what another Great Awakening will compel them to do in the name of Christ so that those who “refused to love the truth and so be saved” will come under “a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thess 2:10–12).
August 21, 2010 A second journey of faith is required of every son of God, scarring and disfiguring of the inner self can produce in the son of God a hardness, a toughness that precludes the person from compromising with the truth.
August 14, 2010 Sabbatarian Christians who don’t understand spiritual birth as a real birth after the pattern of the first Adam’s birth have no business posturing as teachers of Israel—they need to keep silent and learn for if they have been born of spirit, they are still spiritual infants in need of a teething ring rather than a pulpit.
August 7, 2010 If Christ Jesus came not by water [of the womb] only but by water and blood [i.e., came as a human being], then Calvary is as important as the birth of Jesus.
July 31, 2010 There is no getting around the reality that whoever practices righteousness, which is manifested outwardly through keeping the commandments, is righteous as Christ Jesus is righteous (1 John 3:7). It isn’t keeping the commandments that makes the person righteous, but the inner desire to please God, whom the righteous person believes.
July 24, 2010 Neither the Father nor the Son judges the world, or judges disciples. Rather, both the world and disciples judge themselves by whether they keep the words that Jesus spoke, with Jesus only speaking the Father’s words. The wrath of the Lamb that comes upon humankind during the Affliction (Rev 6:16–17) comes because neither Christians nor the world will keep the words of the Lord.
July 17, 2010 For Jesus to deliberately provoke a confrontation with Pharisees—and then denounce them in one of their homes—was a so-called teaching moment: Jesus knew that He was being tested, that Pharisees were wanting to see Him deliver a sign from heaven (Luke 11:16), and as the crowds increased while He spoke, Jesus said that He would give no sign but that of Jonah (v. 29).
July 10, 2010 The seventy [seventy-two] are sent to Islam to warn the ideology not be succumb to the blandishments of the man of perdition, an Arian Christian aligned with the western prophet … when the false prophet comes to the already existing office of prophet, many Muslims will find in this demon who has been given the mind of man (see Dan 7:4) the one for whom they have long waited.
July 3, 2010 The underlying construct of Philadelphian typological exegesis is retrocausality: the events of a later time in history affects what has happened earlier, with this backward-causation allowing an effect to occur before its cause. In Physics, retro-causation is usually seen in thought experiments involving time travel, because in this known physical world “causes” precede “events,” or reversed, effects follow causes. But the things of God are not of this known world. In retrocausality, the visible lawlessness of ancient Israelites stems from the inner lawlessness of born of God Israelites [Christians], with shadows ceasing to be cast when the spiritual Body of Christ died from loss of its divine breath—without life in the heavenly realm, Christians can cast no shadow in this realm.

2nd Quarter 2010
June 26, 2010 The men of Judah were condemned because they did not bring forth justice & righteousness. Christians were also condemned for the same reason in the 1st-Century, and they will be likewise condemned in the 21st-Century when they rebel against God.
Pentecost 2010 But it wasn’t John who spoke on that day of Pentecost following Calvary; it was Peter—and in his explanation of what was occurring, Peter skips over much of what Joel prophesies, for on this day of Pentecost, there were no wonders in the sky above: the sun did not turn dark, nor did the moon turn blood red. Waters didn’t turn bitter and to blood. Fire and hail were not cast down upon the earth. There were no columns of smoke. So what occurred on Pentecost could only have been a foreshadowing of the opening of the seventh seal (Rev chaps 8–10), with this opening of the seventh seal being the reality of what Joel prophesies.
June 19, 2010 Paul knew that these Galatians were not born of God—he discloses that he knows by not citing the foremost of the commandments, disciples are to love God with heart and mind.
June 12, 2010 Abraham, after journeying to the Promised Land then down into sin and back to the Promised Land, wanted the son that was promised to him. He was not a novice; he was not a new convert. He had journey far in faith … if every Christian would journey as far in faith as Abraham journeyed, the Church would again be the sect of the Nazarenes, a sect of observant Judaism.
June 5, 2010 For too long the glorified Jesus saying, I am the Alpha and the Omega, has been interpreted to mean that Jesus is everything, the complete alphabet, with alpha and omega representing every letter in the Greek alphabet, but this is not the case: Jesus would build His church on the movement of breath from the physical breath breathed in through the nostrils (the front of the mouth) to the spiritual breath of God that makes alive the inner self.
May 29, 2010 If a person has to ask who his neighbor is, the person doesn’t have much love for anyone except those like the person. The lawyer had knowledge, godly knowledge, but no love.
May 22, 2010 Unlike Paul’s epistles and Peter’s first epistle, Peter’s second epistle is not to spiritual infants, lambs [John 21:15], but to saints on solid food, sheep. … Jesus’ death at Calvary is the greatest gift Israel could give to the Father, and Jesus’ resurrection from death is the greatest gift God could give to men.
May 15, 2010 No Christian can walk as Jesus walked or imitate Paul as he imitated Jesus and attempt to bodily enter into God’s presence on the first day of the week—and that is what Sabbath observance represents, bodily entering into God’s rest.
May 8, 2010 The weak are not unbelievers, but are spiritual infants, toddlers, small children that have the right to expect protection from parents and elder siblings, with Christ Jesus being the Firstborn of many brothers (Rom 8:29), all firstborn sons of God. Those who are strong are to judge the Church and are to put out the idolater, the greedy, the willful lawbreaker, the teacher who would have disciples neglect the commandments. Yes, they are to pass judgment on those inside the Church (again, 1 Cor 5:12), even to forgiving or withholding forgiveness of sin (John 20:23), binding the sins of idolaters to them and turning loose the sins of those who are weak in faith, with these decisions being recognized in heaven (Matt 16:19).
May 1, 2010 No person in this present age can come to Christ unless the Father first draws the foreknown and predestined person, but once the spirit is given en masse to first Christians [Israel] following the Second Passover then to the world [Gentiles] when the kingdom is delivered to the Son of Man, it is the person who chooses righteousness who shall be saved.
April 24, 2010 The Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus day would follow this teacher or that teacher, but would not follow Jesus—and those Sadducees and Pharisees form the shadow and type of Sabbatarian Christians in this present era.
April 17, 2010 As Sabbatarian Christendom has questioned the authenticity of the greater Christian Church—of those Christians who worship on Sunday, and who are by their rejection of the law the seed of the Adversary—Sabbatarians have spoken of, and treated Sunday-keeping Christians as second class Christians, mockingly referring to them as “Churchianity.” Sabbatarians have had similar contempt for Sunday-keepers as Pharisees had for uncircumcised Gentiles. And indeed, because Sunday-keeping Christians have made no journey of faith to heavenly Jerusalem, they have not cleansed their hearts by faith; their hearts are not circumcised. They are, in comparison to Sabbatarians, truly as uncircumcised Gentiles were to outwardly circumcised Sadducees and Pharisees.
April 10, 2010Scripture records that even after Josiah commanded the people to keep the Passover as written in the Book of the Covenant, that “no such Passover had been kept since the days of the judges” (2 Kings 23:22), “the Lord did not turn from the burning of his great wrath, by which his anger was kindled against Judah, because of all the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked him” (v. 26). Zephaniah gives voice to that wrath as does Isaiah chapter 24.
April 3, 2010 Sin is a cruel taskmaster, forcing the disciple to do what the disciple does not want to do, but the yoke of Christ is easy and light. It requires that disciples enter into the rest of God that is represented in this world by Sabbath observance, that period when the mind does not focus on the things of this world but on God. The body rests; the mind has peace; and God is pleased to the extent that the disciple believes Him.

1st Quarter 2010
March 27, 2010 Understanding prophecy is important, even if not for salvation. Understanding prophecy prevents a disciple from being deceived by unfolding events in this world and in the Abyss, and understanding prophecy will give those disciples a work to do throughout the last 1260 days, which, unlike the Affliction, will pass fairly quickly.
March 20, 2010 The first beast or king of Daniel chapter 7, the demon that is like a lion who had its wings plucked off and was made to stand like a man and was given the mind of a man (as Nebuchadnezzar was given the mind of a beast), is the rider of the white horse, the rider with a bow and a crown who goes forth conquering and to conquer (Rev 6:2). He is the false prophet, and his emergence from the stump of the first horn of the king of Greece is the removal of the first seal. The second king of Daniel 7, the beast that is like a bear, this beast being Apollyon, is the rider of the bright red horse, the rider permitted to take peace from the earth, the rider with the great sword. At the end of the 1260 day long ministry of the two witnesses, this king will finally be permitted to kill these two. And the emergence of this king from the stump of the great horn of the king of Greece is the removal of the second seal (Rev 6:3–4). The third king of Daniel 7, the four headed beast that is like a leopard and to whom dominion over men has been given, the beast called Sin, the king of the South, is the rider of the black horse. This king buys and sells men as if they were wheat (the latter harvest of God) or barley (the early harvest), for God has consigned all men to disobedience [sin] so that He can have mercy on all (Rom 11:32). And the emergence of this king from the stump of the broken first king of the king of Greece is the removal of the third seal (Rev 6:5–6). The fourth king is the cross-shaped beast called Death.
March 13, 2010 Daniel’s visions were supernaturally sealed and kept secret until the time of the end; until meaning would again be taken from Scripture via typology … typological exegesis is the scholarly term that encapsulates the totality of a metaphoric reading of Scripture.
March 6, 2010 The removal of a seal comes when Jesus permits an event to happen; when Jesus no longer holds back an event. When seals are not really seals but previously undisclosed events that were concealed because Daniel’s visions were kept secret until the time of the end—the marker soon take place limits John’s vision to the same timeframe as when Daniel’s visions are set—then the scroll that is the Book of Revelation was unsealed by Christ Jesus when Daniel’s visions were unsealed.
February 27, 2010 A discussion of the third woe begins with the declaration that for the human being (regardless of what this person’s religious affiliation presently is) who endures to the end of the age without taking upon the person the tattoo of the cross during the last 1260 days of the age—for this person, the third woe is not “a woe,” but a blessing.
February 20, 2010 To walk in light requires the disciple to walk as Jesus walked. To walk any other way is to stumble, fall backwards, be snared by the Adversary, and to be broken by Christ when judgments are revealed.
February 13, 2010 John and Christ, together, formed one unit in the 1st-Century CE, with this unit or entity being a representation of the Elijah to come. The two witnesses plus the Lamb and the Remnant, together—two witnesses + (Lamb & Remnant) will form one unit in the 21st-Century, with this entity being the reality of the Elijah that is to come. The last Elijah isn’t simply a man, or a ministry.
February 6, 2010 A purity of heart cannot be obtained through the things of this world; it cannot be purchased. There are no venders selling purity. Yet it is of more worth to God than all of the material things that have been created in the Abyss. And this purity of heart is very rarely seen in this era. It has been long forgotten by Christian America.
January 30, 2010 A purity of heart cannot be obtained through the things of this world; it cannot be purchased. There are no venders selling purity. Yet it is of more worth to God than all of the material things that have been created in the Abyss. And this purity of heart is very rarely seen in this era. It has been long forgotten by Christian America.
January 23, 2010 Philadelphia cannot not-warn Christendom that it is only those who endure in faith to the end that will be saved. Of the remainder of humanity—that is, of the third part of the little ones (from Zech 13:9)—all who endure to the end shall be saved; all who endure will not take the mark of death upon themselves.
January 16, 2010 This is a position [the person who will be justified produces the works of the law] quite far from what Luther wrote about Christians receiving righteousness entirely from outside themselves. Luther never understood that grace is the garment or mantle or covering of Christ Jesus’ righteousness, and faith alone is insufficient for salvation and is incomplete until it is manifested in works. Luther was simply wrong when he said that faith alone makes someone just.
January 9, 2010 Christians are to judge righteously, beginning with themselves then extending that righteous judging to the congregation. They are to use the law lawfully to purge unrighteousness from the assembly of the Lord, and they are to suffer the disciple weak in faith without placing a stumbling block before the disciple, a situation made difficult by those who are weak in faith succumbing to the Sacred Names Heresy, which will have the weak judging the strong and polluting infant sons of God. If the person who is weak cannot keep quiet in services, then this person must be put out.
January 2, 2010 The inner new self dwelling in a tent of flesh in this world is analogous to an Israelite dwelling in a house in Egypt, and needs to be understood by the model of an Israelite in Egypt. And as an Israelite in Egypt was circumcised on the 8th-day, the inner new self is circumcised of heart when the heart has been cleansed by faith, with the occurrence of this circumcision disclosing that spiritually the disciple is as an eight day old infant is physically.

Past Sabbath Readings