Sabbatarian Anabaptists - The Annals
The Language of Redemption
Teachings of the Hewer of Wood
More on Matthew
Suggested Sabbath Readings
2nd Quarter 2005
The Language of Redemption
Teachings of the Hewer of Wood
More on Matthew
Suggested Sabbath Readings
2nd Quarter 2005

June 4, 2005 The first of a series of selections about the role of women in the new covenant, considering their absence in patriarchal Israel. |
June 11, 2005 The second of a series of selections about the role of women in the new covenant, considering their absence in patriarchal Israel. |
June 18, 2005 The third of a series of selections about the role of women in the new covenant, considering their absence in patriarchal Israel. |
June 19, 2005 The concept behind this High Sabbath's selection is the nature of the Holy Spirit…it is suggested that fellowships have morning and afternoon services on the High Days; thus, readings for two services are grouped together for Pentecost. |
June 25, 2005 The fourth in a series of selections about the role of women in the new covenant, considering their absence in patriarchal Israel. |
3rd Quarter 2005![]() |
July 2, 2005 The fifth in a series of selections about the role of women in the new covenant, considering their absence in patriarchal Israel. |
July 9, 2005 The sixth in a series of selections about the role of women in the new covenant, considering their absence in patriarchal Israel. |
July 16, 2005 The concept behind this Sabbath’s selection is whether tithing retains a part of the new covenant. |
July 23, 2005 The concept behind this Sabbath's reading is whether tithing remains a part of the new covenant—and if so, how should tithing be practiced. |
July 30, 2005 Disciples are today the firstfruits of God, the firstborn (from above) of spiritual Israel, the nation promised to Abraham that will eventually encompass all of humanity. |
August 6, 2005 Seventh in a series on women: Israel under Solomon forms the shadow of the Church in the Millennium, not in this present age. The Church is singularly and collectively the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16-17). |
August 13, 2005 Eighth in a series on women: Solomon’s reign—and the peace God gave to Israel for forty years—anticipates Christ Jesus’ millennial reign over the earth. |
August 20, 2005 The adult circumcised Israelite dwelling in a house in Egypt forms the lively shadow of a spiritually circumcised son of God dwelling today in a tabernacle of flesh in spiritual Babylon. |
August 27, 2005 The essence of Christianity--the basis for the philosophical construct that represents the argument for Christianity--is that the disciple is not a body of flesh, or the flesh, but is an entity born of God that is temporarily housed or domiciled in a body of flesh. |
September 3, 2005 Disciples need to realize that the teachings of historic organizations, particularly of dogma developed in the 3rd through 5th Centuries, is askew, the reason the endtime Elijah must restore all things (Mal 4:5). |
September 10, 2005 The question is thus asked and answered: what must a person do to receive eternal or everlasting life? |
September 17, 2005 Are natural disasters such as Katrina of God? |
September 24, 2005 Are natural disasters such as Katrina, and now Rita, of God? |
4th Quarter 2005![]() |
October 1, 2005 What Does It Mean to Know God? |
October 4, 2005 Feast of Trumpets |
October 8, 2005 "Knowing God," through the prophecies of Jeremiah. |
October 13, 2005 High Day of Atonement. |
October 15, 2005 Knowing God through the writings of the prophet Ezekiel. |
October 18, 2005 Feast of Tabernacles, first Holy Day. Tabernacles is the roadmap that the holy nation of God follows from mortality to immortality. |
October 22, 2005 The concept behind this Sabbath's selection returns to "knowing God" through Ezekiel Part 2. |
October 29, 2005 Knowing God continued. |
November 5, 2005 Knowing God continued. |
November 12, 2005 Hell-fire, or the lake of fire. |
December 24, 2005 Advent - Being Born From Above. |
December 31, 2005 Rebellion against God - the great falling away. |